Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What are genetically modified foods?

When an average family sits around a dinner table to eat a wholesome meal, they don’t think about the possibilities of their food being mutated.  Nor do they suspect that the food they are consuming could possibly kill them.  Unfortunately, most Americans don’t because when they buy their food from the grocery store, it is usually an assumption that the food is traditionally grown on a farm with the usual traditional standards. Well truth behind the matter is that this type of assumption is only real in the organic world.  When food is bought in a commercial grocery store, anything is fair game.  So therefore, you are most likely consuming a food that has been genetically modified.

Now I’m pretty sure your next question is…what the heck is a genetically modified food or in other words a GMFs?  Well GMFs are foods that have been modified by transferring genes from one organism to another in order to achieve more desirable traits.  The desirable traits that are usually seeked after have something to do with pests’ resistance and nutrient rich foundations.  They seek out the use of pests’ resistant traits so that many pests that are usually attracted to crops will not be able to damage them due to their new genetic makeup.  Nutrient rich foundations are followed after so that nutrients that are hard to come by in regular foods can easily be obtained in the GMF due to the addition of it in the lab.

Now if you’re saying that there is NO way possible that I can be consuming genetically modified foods because I read all of my labels.  Well I hate to bust your bubble, but 80 percent of the food consumed in the United States is genetically modified. The most common GMFs that Americans consume daily diets are soybeans, corn, tomatoes, and canola.  However, you should not feel alone because many people fail to realize that they are consuming GMFs due to the FDA requiring the companies that produce these foods to label them as genetically modified.

So to make a quick recap over what you just read, YES you have most likely been victimized by the GMF system without even realizing it.  And if you’re one of those people who grows all of their fruits and vegetables, unless you make every single item you consume from scratch, you have been victimized too.  Because most commercially ran companies such as Heinz, General Mills, etc. use GMFs due to them being cheaper than the good, organic wholesome stuff! J  But don’t feel ashamed because like I said earlier, most people have been victimized by the GMF system and haven’t even realized it. 


*The pictures throughout this blog are meant for my visual readers out there, because I know that it is easier to comprehend something with pictures due to me being a visual person myself. And plus it adds a little "pizzazz" to the blog! :)*

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