Fitzpatrick, Brad.
"Frankenbucks: are genetically modified crops a threat to wildlife
populations, and to the health of those of us who eat them?" Outdoor
LifeApr. 2013: 52.Student Edition. Web. 5 Apr. 2013.
This source is credible and it tells of the damage
done to wildlife due to GM crops. This
source is also featured on a scholarly database which makes it even more
credible. It also states an exact
statement from a doctor has conducted research himself.
"Monsanto, a major
producer of the genetically modified (GMO) crop seeds that have revolutionized
agriculture in the United States in the last 30 years."National Review 22
Apr. 2013: 11.Student Edition. Web. 4 Apr. 2013.
This source is credible due to its history on
Monsanto. It tells of the different
factors associated within this company.
This source is also located on a scholarly database so I doubt it is not
Philpott, Tom.
"Longest-running GMO study finds tumors in rats."Mother Earth News
Apr.-May 2013: 13.Student Edition. Web. 4 Apr. 2013.
This source is credible due to the extensive
research ran. It is also published by a
scholarly database so I highly doubt it’s not credible. This source also gives
various measurements.
Stiles, Smiley.
"Starting locally."Mother Earth News Apr.-May 2013: 11.Student
Edition. Web. 4 Apr. 2013.
This source is credible because it published through
Gale so it is reliable. This source is
more towards the organic side of production, but it still offers useful
information. I doubt they would risk
their credibility over a misdocumentation.
Turner, Lisa.
"Eco-friendly eating: simple and clear-cut ways to choose foods that go
easy on the earth." Better Nutrition Apr. 2013: 18. Student
Edition. Web. 5 Apr. 2013.
This source is credible because it is published
under a nonbiased counterpart. It tells
of how 80 percent of the crops in the United States are GM foods. This source
is also credible due to this being a scholarly database.
Deborah. Genetically Modified Foods:
Harmful or Helpful? ProQuest, April 2000. Web. 01 April 2013.
This source is credible because the author goes
through many various sources as well as some research herself. The information provided by this is directly
associated with the topic itself. It is
also listed in a nonbiased manner.